Eastward Films Banana bread on a plate
1533 9th St. NW, First Floor, 20001 Washington, DC dc@eastward.com Phone: (202)-391-0998 169 Pier Ave Suite #4, 90405 Santa Monica, CA Phone: (424)-293-1820 la@eastward.com

Delta: Moving More Than Just People

We partnered with Politico Focus to produce a series of short films about Delta Airlines’ philanthropic mission and efforts. This film highlighted their work for the American Red Cross, and the story of a young girl with a rare blood disorder. We wrote the creative treatment for the story, provided directorial and production services, and edited and finished the piece at our DC studio.


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When Do We Start?

Someone has to make the first move! We think we’d be a great fit for whatever you’re thinking up, and would love to talk more about how we can get that dream to a screen in a way that’s profoundly, uniquely true to you and your story.